

Welcome to Shella Bella. My name is Benice and I am the Owner of Shella Bella. Here is a bit of a background of how I decided to start the business.

When I was 30 I became the proud mommy of a special needs son, and even though there was many difficult times there was also many good times, then one day out of the blue I was told that the Company I work for is facing retrenchment and panic settled in, I have a special needs son, recently divorced and how was I going to make ends meet.

The Company then started with their retrenchments and one week I was told I would be retrenched and then the next week I was told I would not, and this carried on for some time, eventually leading me into a complete nervous breakdown, panic attacks and anxiety disorder. BUT the good part of all this was that I decided right there that I would not put my well being in the hands of a Company again (After 16 years of loyalty to them they felt nothing for me, I realized no matter how hard you work and how much you think you are irreplaceable, you are not)

From there, with the assistance of my then boyfriend (Now husband) I did various things, everything you can think of, and ended up with a few businesses that I control and now recently starting Shella Bella as I found the calmness and peace of doing things with my hands and being creative to really relax me.

Now that you know a bit about me, I hope that I can be part of any special moment in your life, whether just a gift of love, something for yourself or a special event.
